Wednesday 12 November 2014

Breaking free...

I have praying to God and much has been revealed to my mind this morning. For some time now I have felt a stirring deep within me, a feeling of release.. Piece by piece, bit by bit God has been working inside me bringing about changes I never thought possible. I have been doing things that I would never normally do or would never have found myself doing before.

The feeling has been intensifying over the last few weeks and as I was praying and talking to God about this feeling my eye was suddenly and unusually drawn to a metal candlestick holder just to the side of where I was sitting and suddenly like a light bulb switching on I knew that was what it was... The feeling was now personified as a coil. Over the past few years my life has felt like a coil has been trapping me, holding me prisoner and all it ever did was get tighter and tighter strangling the life out of me.

Yet over this year particularly as God has worked in my life slowly the coil has released it's tightness. So very slowly that at first I did not even notice but as God has started to remove the coil from the really really tight areas I started to see the difference. Everything I have been through this year has been working together for good. God has been releasing me from the snares that had been formed in my life and now I have a picture of this great big coil that has been trapping me.

So I thank God for His work inside me!

I also wanted to add that upon reflection the word coil could mean many more things than I first thought. Coil could refer to the serpent which is known as the enemy in the Bible. I know that the enemy has had a firm grip on my life before I knew God. I also know that the coil looks very much like a DNA strand which again holds importance in my life. Since the diagnosis of the Huntington's disease gene my life has felt trapped by the results of my DNA. I know not yet what it all means but I know that God is working it all together for my good and I thank Him for this revelation this morning.

"You make known to me the path of life; you will fill me with joy in your presence, with eternal pleasures at your right hand" ~Psalm 16:11

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